How to Get Involved

We opened our designs using Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license . This means that you are able to:

You can contribute your ideas/designs on the development of HKUST SolarBeacon back to our community by uploading file(s) to our Github page or sending an e-mail to What we opened today are: hardware circuit design, firmware, and software. You can find it all by visiting our Github page. Downloadable materials and their links are listed below:
Who We Are Looking For
To further improve our designs and in search of oppurtunity for real-life application, we are looking for potential collaborators. Collaborators in fields of hardware manufacturing, photovoltaic related technologies, IoT application design and implementation and many others related to smart cities and IoT are all welcome.
Members and Partners
Research and Development:

Academic and Research Partners:

Technologies and Solutions Partners:

Media and Service Partners:
